Make a Donation



Types of Funds

Get to know the types of funds you can create, or contribute to an already existing fund
Minimum to Start Fund
Designated Funds

Established to benefit specific charitable organizations. The earnings from these funds are distributed to the designated organizations on an annual basis.

$10,000 +

Agency Funds

A simple way for non-profit organizations to efficiently build an ongoing source of income. Annual income earned benefits the organization and the portion granted can be used for any purpose.

$10,000 +

Field of Interest Funds

Allow a donor to designate a specific area of interest to which charitable grants will be made. DDCF uses discretion in selecting the most appropriate recipients annually.

$10,000 +

Donor Advised Funds

Provide donors with the opportunity to be actively involved in recommending projects to be funded.

$20,000 +

Named Funds

Provide donors with flexibility. Donors can start a named family fund with an initial contribution of any amount and have it build over time until the minimum contribution level of $5,000 is reached


Scholarship Funds

Provide assistance and encouragement to promising young students challenged by the costs of education. Funds are distributed directly to the institution to be applied to the students tuition account.

$10,000 +

Planning Your Gift

Funds for the Future

Whether to the General Fund or Specific Areas of Support


Named Funds

Lloyd & Rie Keough Memorial Fund

Ray Lunsted “Post it Forward” Fund

Frank & Bessie Lampard Family Fund

Herman & Bonnie Streu Family Fund

Pat & Laddie Hutchison Family Fund

Nicholas & Anne Shwets Family Fund

Mary Slyzuk & Walter Slyzuk Family Fund

Larry & Joyce Love Family Fund

Dean Cooley GM Fund

Kinsmen Club of Dauphin Jim Tarrant Memorial Fund

Dawn Willemse Fund

William & Elizabeth Hart Family Fund IMO Will Hart

Elmer & Donna Billows Fund

Dr. Michael Cuthbert Memorial Fund

Marion Harrison Memorial Fund

Stewart/Symchych Families Memorial Fund

Freiheit Family Fund


Field of Interest

Alice and Ted Dent Family Fund: City of Dauphin beautification

Fusion Credit Union Green Fund: to support environmental causes in our community

Clifford and Peggy Chute Memorial Fund: for the benefit of those children who face challenges in
entering sports related activities due to financial stress

Roland Briggs Memorial Fund: for the benefit of children

Tackling Poverty Together Fund: to address the issue of poverty

Dare to Dream Fund - DCTI Gang of 1969 – 1970: to assist graduating students who may not be able to consider post secondary education

Mr. & Mrs. N.A. Hryhorczuk Fund: for the preservation of Ukrainian history and culture

Ploshynsky Family Fund: for the welfare of animals or benefit of children

Cycles in Motion: An Initiative of D-Town Plaza - the benefit of those organizations who are interested in the expansion and promotion of physical activity & wellness through the use of human-powered wheeled sports, recreation and leisure time pursuits



Terry Yates Memorial Scholarship

Dr. Allan & Shirley Lysack Scholarship

Neil Peterson Countryfest Post-Secondary Scholarship in Music Education

The Marilyn Libby Memorial Music Scholarship

Marge Tycholis Memorial Scholarship

A.A.A. Kalichak Scholarship Fund

The Kozak Scholarship

DDCF General Scholarship

Gary Brandon Memorial Scholarship

McMunn and Yates Building Construction Scholarship

Dauphin Clinic Pharmacy Scholarship

Larry & Joyce Love Family Music Scholarship

Wes & Andrew Bernat Family Music Scholarship

Stanley Kustra Engineering Scholarship

Trotz Family Scholarship

Margie Lysack Memorial Scholarships

Safe Grad Committee Scholarship

Class of 2020 Scholarship

Bellemare Family Scholarship

Dauphin Ochre Band Parents Organization Scholarship

Rick Smylski Memorial Scholarship

* All of our scholarships are forwarded to the student’s tuition account at their selected educational institution


Designated Funds

Designated Funds are established by donors to support a specific charitable organization in perpetuity.

Shane Allard Memorial Fund- goalie equipment, goaltenders clinic or scholarship

Dauphin’s Countryfest Fund - Vermillion Walking Trail

Gordon & Irene Durston Memorial Family Fund - Fort Dauphin Museum

Dauphin Public Library Fund

Dauphin First United Church Fund

Dauphin Minor Hockey Fund

Dauphin Recreation Services – Pool Maintenance Fund

Parkland Humane Society Fund

Dauphin Fire Department Memorial Fund - scholarship

Dauphin & District Arts Legacy Fund – Watson Arts Centre

Arts Stabilization Fund – Watson Arts Centre

Bella Pernarowski Memorial Food Bank Fund

Johnston & Company Law Office – Administration of the DDCF office

Ross & Tynne Ritchie Memorial Fund – Dauphin Agricultural Society Inc

Ukrainian Folk Arts Centre & Museum - Manitoba Heritage Trust Program

Legacy Gifts

Life Insurance Beneficiary - Donors may name the foundation as the owner and irrevocable beneficiary of a new or existing life insurance policy. Donors will receive an official receipt for income tax purposes for the cash surrender value and for subsequent premiums once the ownership is transferred to the foundation.

Bequests & Wills - Individuals may provide gifts to Dauphin & District Community Foundation in their wills. A bequest could be a specific amount of money, a particular property, or a percentage of an estate.

2% Club - Consider naming DDCF in your will for a minimum of 2% of your estate.

Memorials & Tributes - Donors may establish a fund in memory of, or in honour of an individual or family.

Reasons to Give

Benefits to Donors
  • Choose from several easy and convenient ways to donate

  • Donors can gift to an established endowment fund or choose to create their own fund to support charities and initiatives they are passionate about

  • You will receive a charitable tax receipt for the amount donated

  • Donors can choose to remain anonymous

  • Gifts can be directed towards one single or multiple charities

Benefits to Your Community
  • Enhance the quality of life in the community

  • Grants to local charities ensure donors gifts stay in the area

  • Gifts can be adapted to meet the needs of the community as times are ever-changing

  • Your gift remains invested, while a portion of the annual income is used to support our community forever. The remaining income is re-invested to help the fund grow.